Thursday, April 22, 2010

Aloha! はじめまして、どうぞよろしく!

I'm finally doing it! A blog! Something I've always wanted to do but just never got around to it. I was always the type of person who would start a journal or diary, write in it for the first 4 days, forget about it for months, and repeat the cycle again...hopefully it wont happen here! I've been posting my creations on my Facebook like crazy, but you're so limited with just a picture and a caption...then there are the notes...but to me it's a humbug and unorganized...I just want a place where I can dedicate and document all the creative and culinary creations that I come up with. Hell, maybe I'll even post some makeup blogs too. I've really gotten into tutorials on Youtube, and have been getting better at my makeup application, so it would be fun to post that stuff here as well!

So, for those of you who don't know.....Who am I? I'm Miss Aiko. Born and raised in Hawaii, currently residing in California. I'm Japanese, Hawaiian, & Korean fun. I love food..eating, cooking, trying new recipes. Growing up, we never really went out to eat unless it was a special occasion, like a birthday, etc...therefore, or family was ALWAYS in the kitchen. My family was always big on food. We never skimped and would always go ALL OUT when it came to family gatherings. Hawaiian food is what I grew up with. I use that term loosely...there IS real deal Hawaiian food: lau lau, poi, lomi salmon, kulolo, etc....but also a huge impact from other cultures as well going back to the Plantation days...mainly Japanese, then Korean, Portuguese, Filipino, etc. I am so fortunate to have grown up in such an environment, as it taught me to be open-minded about different cultures and their foods.

I love art. My mom was an art teacher and so, ever since I could remember, I was always drawing or doing arts and crafts. You name it, I've done it...beading/jewelery, sewing, crocheting, kniting, polymer clay, ceramics, origami..the whole shebang! It's a passion of mines. I love creating something different and unique..seeing something in the store, or something that someone is wearing and thinking to myself "I could make that!". Up until my days at the community college, I was really crafty...after that, you know, life happens, I got busy (or maybe just lazy LOL), and kind of lost touch with my creative side...hopefully by starting this blog, it will kind of force me to keep up with it and showing the world what I have to day, I would love to sell my creations on Etsy! My problem is that, I always come up with a whole bunch of ideas, get excited about it, start, and not finish. I really need to just take it one project at a time..this might be a good place to start and enforce that!

Well, that's good for now...lets see how this works out..I'm excited!!!


  1. I'm so excited that you started a blog, I can't wait to see all the fun stuff you post on here! I always love seeing your creations on facebook and I definitely think you should do tutorials - all your stuff is fantastic. Can't wait for more posts. Miss you girl!

  2. Thanks girl!!! Like I said, I start projects/journals, and never keep up with them, so hopefully this will force me to follow through :) Miss you TONS!
